Google to open stores just to sell Google Glass?

By: Infocellular

Developers who bought Google Glass go through a process similar to what a Google Glass store would provide

The developers who bought Google Glass go through an experience when they pick up their purchase, similar to what it might feel like if Google does open retail Google Glass stores. The Glass owners are walked through the set-up and customization of the hardware, and are taught how to use the product. Eventually, it is hoped that these developers add to the Google Glass experience by developing apps for the product. Some apps, including one that uploads video to a YouTube channel, are already available for the device.

Until the word comes from Mountain View, we must recommend that you reach into the ol' spice rack for a bit of Morton's salt. There is still a chance that this will be part of a larger Google retail operation that will include Nexus branded phones and tablets. On the other hand, considering that each Google Glass sale will require a lot of attention from store employees, perhaps having a store that sells only Google Glass is a good idea after all.

source: BusinessInsider
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