App For HTC ThunderBolt Turns On And Off LTE Connection
By: Infocellular
While the HTC ThunderBolt has been well received by Verizon customers, even allegedly outselling the Apple iPhone 4 in many of Big Red's stores, as we reported, one area that needs improvement is the battery life on the Android device. Connecting to Verizon's LTE network is becoming a fast battery drain on the phone. In response, TeamAndIRC has developed an app called LTE OnOFF that will disconnect the ThunderBolt from the Verizon LTE pipeline.
Some of the comments on the Android Market, where you can find the app to download for free, rave about how the software was able to increase the life of the handset's battery. And while Verizon is expected to provide a software fix of its own, until it becomes available, downloading LTE OnOFF puts you in control over the phone's connectivity and just might let you squeeze some extra life out of the device's power cell.
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Some of the comments on the Android Market, where you can find the app to download for free, rave about how the software was able to increase the life of the handset's battery. And while Verizon is expected to provide a software fix of its own, until it becomes available, downloading LTE OnOFF puts you in control over the phone's connectivity and just might let you squeeze some extra life out of the device's power cell.
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